From the exhibition: Jij & ik From the exhibition: Jij & ik

Tot Zover

Funerary Heritage Foundation

The Funerary Heritage Foundation owns the collection that is managed by the Stichting Nederlands Uitvaartmuseum, known as Museum Tot Zover. Museum Tot Zover is responsible for the registration, storage, disclosure and presentation of the collection.


Stichting Funerair Erfgoed
Kruislaan 124
1097 GA Amsterdam
RSIN nummer : 814144020


Chairman de heer S. Boersma
Secretary: de heer L.L.M. Eekhout
Treasurer: de heer J.M.H.J. Keizer


The promotion of the interest in funeral culture and furthermore everything that is directly or indirectly related to it and which may be conducive thereto, all in the broadest sense of the word.

The board members receive no remuneration.

The Funerary Heritage Foundation owns the collection that is managed by the Stichting Nederlands Uitvaartmuseum, known as Museum Tot Zover. Museum Tot Zover is responsible for registration, storage, disclosure and presentation of the collection. The financial costs involved are borne by Museum Tot Zover. For the policy of the Funerary Heritage Foundation and for activities related to the collection, see the Museum Tot Zover.

The annual accounts of Stichting Funerair Erfgoed can be downloaded below in PDF, all are in Dutch.